
What is Choice for You? Sunday 2pm

.Mainstage November 21, 2021 2:00 pm - 2:20 pm

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Sarah Andros

Discover what possibilities are available if you could choose differently.   Learn more about the power of Living in 10-second increments.

The greatest invitation you can be in the world is YOU. Your greatest strength and most potent force in the world is BEING YOU. Not the person you aspire to be like, not the person who has created a product or program you like, not the person you have ‘decided’ is better than you…Recall a moment when you were shining and the world lined itself up for you… And everything you asked for allowed itself to be created with ease and joy…Those moments are when you are BEING YOU.  And when those moments become days, and those days become weeks, weeks months, and months become years… You are literally LIVING the grand and glorious adventure you came here to live.

Learn more at the Access Consciousness Booth H31 in the Undercroft